




    • 2015南京农业大学博士学位

    • 2018年至今在太阳成集团tyc539工作

    • 2015年至2018年在南京农业大学从事博士后研究工作


    • 安徽省解剖学会 理事




      国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32170525, 母源性卵黄沉积对扬子鳄胎鳄性腺分化的表观遗传调控机制, 2022-01-01 2025-12-31, 60万元, 在研, 参与







      Haitao Nie#; Yue Wen#, Ruidong Zhang, Mengjuan Wu, Yuqian Zhang, and Xiaobing Wu. The histological and ultrastructure morphology, global analysis of differential gene expression through transcriptome sequencing related to seasonal sperm storage in oviduct of female Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2022, Accepted.


      Nie, Haitao; Zhang, Ruidong; Yu, Xiaoqin; Zhang, Yuqian; Yan, Peng; Li, En; Wang, Renping ; Wu, Xiaobing; Molecular cloning, immunological characterization, and expression analysis of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the brain of the Chinese alligator during different stages of reproductive cycle, Gene, 2021, 789.

      Ruidong Zhang; Haitao Nie(共同一作); Shulong Duan; Peng Yan; Ali Izaz; Renping Wang; Yongkang Zhou; Xiaobing Wu; Cloning, characterization and expression profile of kisspeptin1 and the kisspeptin1 receptor at the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (HPO) of Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis, during the reproductive cycle, Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2020

      Nie H T, Wang Z Y, Zhang G M, et al. Amino acids profile within peripheral blood and follicular fluid based on high-performance liquid chromatography methods may explain differences in folliculogenesis between short-term under/over-fed treatments during luteal phase of Hu sheep[J]. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2019.

      Nie, H. T.; Guo, Y. X.; Yao, X. L.; et al. Acute nutrient treatment causes alterations in intra-follicular antioxidation and AKT signaling. Reproduction, 2018 155(1): 37~49.

      Nie H, Wang Z, You J, et al. Comparison of in vitro digestibility and chemical composition among four crop straws treated by Pleurotus ostreatus.[J]. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2018.

      H.T.Nie; Z.Y.Wang; S. Lan; et al. Effect of residual feed intake phenotype-nutritional treatment interaction on growth performance, plasma   metabolic variables and somatotropic axis genes expression of growing ewes, Animal Production Science, 2016. 56(10): 1593~1604.

      Zhang, H#; Nie, H T#; Wang, Q; et al. Trace element concentrations and distributions in the main body tissues and the net requirements for maintenance and growth of Dorper Hu lambs.Journal of Animal Science 2015, 93(5):2471-2481

      Nie, H T; Wan, Y J#; You, J H; Wang, Z Y; Lan, S; Fan, Y X; Wang, F, Effect of Age on Energy Requirement for Maintenance and Growth of Dorper and Hu Crossbred F1 Ewes Weighing 20 to 50 kg. Asian-Australas Journal of Animal Science, 2015.8, 28 (8): 1140~1149.

      Nie, Hai Tao; Zhang, Hao; You, Ji Hao; Wang, Feng*. Determination of energy and protein requirement for maintenance and growth and evaluation for the effects of gender upon nutrient requirement in Dorper x Hu Crossbred Lambs, 2015, 47(5), 841-853,Tropical Animal Health and Production


      聂海涛; 游济豪; 王昌龙; 等。 《育肥中后期杜泊羊湖羊杂交F_1代公羊能量需要量参数》, 2012.10.16, (20): 4269~4278《中国农业科学》, 一类核心期刊

      聂海涛; 肖慎华; 兰山; 等。《46月龄杜湖羊杂交F_1代母羔净蛋白质需要量》, 2014.12, (01): 93~102,《动物营养学报》,一类核心期刊


1. 聂海涛(3/15); 长三角区域肉羊规模化高效精准养殖关键技术集成与应用, 农业部二等奖, 2017

2. 聂海涛(2/10);扬子鳄精细化高效规模化繁育技术集成与应用,林业部二等奖;2021